Changes in the color and thickness of toenails can be considered the first sign of an infectious fungal disease - onychomycosis. At the initial stage, there is still an opportunity to do without expensive pharmaceuticals, it is just important to know the most effective folk remedies for toenail fungus. You can get rid of this disease at home if you strictly follow all the rules and recommendations.
The main factors that cause disease
Onychomycosis is classified as an infectious disease, so the only way it occurs is through infection. This usually happens without realizing it, and the first stage is almost without symptoms. The appearance of slight peeling and small cracks on the nail plate also rarely worries someone. Usually, treatment begins when clear signs of the disease are detected:
- nail discoloration;
- plate thickening;
- constant itching at the base of the nail (sometimes between the toes).

Easily infected with fungi - only contact with a sick loved one during trips together to the sauna and bath, fitness center, using common household items, for example, bath mats or bed linen. Often this disease can be transmitted in public places such as swimming pools or water parks if treatment does not follow accepted standards.
There are also some individual risk factors for getting a yeast infection, such as a weak immune system. In order not to provoke the onset of the disease, before visiting a place with an increased risk of infection, you should pay attention to the condition of your body. It is not recommended to take the risk if:
- The man had recently caught a cold and his immune system had not fully recovered.
- There is damage to the nails or feet.
- There are doubts about the cleanliness of the club or the correct shoes, for example, in a bowling center.

Fighting nail fungus is a long process. In its advanced form, this can lead not only to cosmetic discomfort, but also to more serious diseases that may require surgical intervention.
Modern medicine offers a large selection of various antifungal drugs to get rid of this disease, but not everyone has the opportunity to buy them because of their high cost. Traditional recipes for toenail fungus are no less effective when used correctly and cost much less.
Treatment with iodine
Of all the options for treating fungus with folk remedies, iodine is considered the most popular. The effectiveness of its use has been proven by dermatologists, and this drug is recommended to treat the affected areas of nails and feet. This product compares favorably with:
- low price;
- good disinfectant properties;
- ease of use.
It has been proven that regular treatment of the affected nail area with iodine for two weeks can completely eliminate the fungus. To do this, the affected plaque must be soaked every day with the medicine until the healthy nail grows completely. For prevention, healthy nails on other fingers can also be treated with iodine.
This medicine is also often used as an additive in other home recipes to combat athlete's foot. For example, they mix iodine with apple cider vinegar, treat the skin around the nails, or bathe the feet by adding the product to the water. In combination with celandine, vegetable oil or antimicrobial agents, this drug is used to prepare a mixture for the treatment of not only nail fungus, but also feet.
Before using iodine, remember that this drug can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to do a test: apply a little iodine to the skin and wait a few hours. Caution should be exercised when using iodine for people with thyroid disease.
Soda treatment
Baking soda is a fairly common way to fight various infections. It is also good to treat toenail fungus with folk remedies. It is recommended to use it in two doses.
The first is to steam your feet in the bathtub. To do this, prepare a solution: 1 tablespoon of baking soda per liter of hot water. Soak your feet in the solution for about 20 minutes. Then proceed to the next part of the procedure.

For the second step, you need to prepare a soda slurry (soda and a little water). The resulting mass is applied to the affected area on the steamed nail plate and the bandage method is used (you can use an ordinary transparent film). The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. Therefore, your feet should be rinsed with water to avoid irritation.
If the disease begins, treatment must be carried out daily. For the initial phase, two to three times a week is sufficient. The effect will be noticeable faster if you combine baking soda treatment with medications. It usually takes about two months to completely get rid of the fungus, but even after complete recovery, it is recommended to take a soda bath once a week to prevent relapse.
Alcohol tablets
A good way to defeat nail fungus is an alcohol compress. This is done before going to bed and left overnight. Due to heating, the affected area on the nail plate expands, which facilitates the penetration of the disinfectant into it. Ammonia compresses are considered the most effective, but the usual ones will do. To carry out the procedure correctly, you must:

- Steam your feet.
- Use a file to remove the top layer of the affected nail.
- Treat with hydrogen peroxide.
- Apply a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution to the nail.
- Place on fingertips or wrap with foil.
- In the morning, remove the compress and lubricate the nail with antifungal gel or cream.
- Repeat the procedure every day until the mycosis is completely gone.
To increase the effect, pure alcohol can be replaced with a tincture based on it. Weekly compresses of celandine filled with alcohol will help speed up treatment significantly, and fresh plant juice can be used instead of antifungal cream.
Compresses with propolis alcohol color will also help get rid of fungus quickly. The healing properties of this product have been known for a long time. It can cure not only the fungus on the nails, but also on the whole foot. Propolis has antifungal and antiseptic properties, which eliminates the use of other drugs after removing the compress.
Uses of Kombucha
A concentrated solution of kombucha is very effective for treating foot fungus using folk remedies. The infusion has antibacterial properties and the stronger the concentration, the better. Mushroom absorption for three months is considered optimal.

Treatment with this popular method can be carried out in two ways. The first is to use a cotton pad soaked in kombucha concentrate, boiled overnight. The second is to lubricate the affected area with the fungus itself, applied to the paste.
In both the first and second methods, after the procedure, the dead layer of the nail should be cut. At the end of the treatment, it is necessary to disinfect both the nails themselves and the instruments used.
Despite the fact that kombucha is a completely natural medicine, it has some contraindications for use. Cannot use:
- women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- alcoholics;
- people with diabetes and hepatitis;
- HIV and AIDS patients.
In other cases, kombucha has proven itself to be one of the most effective methods of treating mycoses without the use of drugs.
The use of birch tar
The oldest way to get rid of foot fungus is birch tar. Its use has been known for a long time, but it has not lost its effectiveness. Tar can be used in its pure form, or you can prepare an ointment from it by mixing it with cream.
Before using the material, you need to treat your feet and nails first, steam them and remove the dead parts. Then you can treat it with tar. A distinctive feature of this method is that air access is required for the medicinal composition used. This procedure takes about two hours, so you should maintain a comfortable body position first.

A more modern method is to use tar soap. But it is more suitable for daily prevention of disease relapse than for treatment. In some cases, using soap can cause allergic reactions and dry skin, so use it with caution. And even the unpleasant smell, which is very persistent for several hours, does not add any benefit to the product.
Do not rely entirely on the tar treatment. It is best used as a complementary natural remedy to medications.
Salt and vinegar
Vinegar and salt are commonly used as additives against nail and foot fungus. Additionally, salt can be used for marine and culinary purposes. It has strong antimicrobial properties and is well absorbed. Vinegar helps to soften the nail for further processing. Usually solutions are made from these ingredients. The solution recipe is very simple:

- 100 ml of vinegar (preferably apple cider);
- 2 liters of hot water;
- 0. 5 cups of salt.
Mix everything thoroughly and soak your feet in the solution for 20-30 minutes. Such a bath will not only help to steam your nails before the procedure, but will also disinfect the entire surface of your feet.
Whatever folk remedies are used to combat toenail fungus, you should remember: if after two weeks of treatment there is no visible result, you should immediately see a doctor.